2021 Athletics Programme with Coach Saravanan (Season 2)
After five weeks’ of suspended training due to the Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), athletes, parents, and Coach are excited to be back on track! And we also welcomed a new member to the group. Sets and exercises were less intense as Coach Sarav helped to ease the athletes and parents back into the programme. Everyone was exhausted at the end of practice, but the joy in their faces showed how glad they were to be back!
Running Straight
One big challenge in coaching athletics to people with visual impairment is helping them keep their lanes when racing. One technique Coach Sarav is working with our students is the use of the guide rope. The tether is hooked onto the guide rope that extends along the track lane for the distance (usually short, up to 100m). The runner will use the tension felt in the cord to ascertain whether they are running in a straight line. This exercise takes a lot of getting used to, evoking the runner’s body, spatial and proprioceptive awareness. Our budding athletes did great despite being new to this. By their third run, most could keep a straight line for at least 20-30 meters! Great job, runners! Thank you, Coach!
Last Session (Aug 28, 2021)
Today was the last session of another Term with Coach Sarav. Despite the disruptions to the training sessions due to the pandemic, our athletes and parents continued to give their best to make it a successful programme.
As usual, the last session is when Coach Sarav assesses the athletes’ fitness and strength levels through a series of tests. They had to do sit-ups, push-ups, and squats for a minute, performing as many repetitions as they could. There was also a sit-an-reach station and a standing broad jump. Athletes performed a weighted sit and pulled with the battling rope and a medicine ball shuttle run. Runners were also tested on their skill at guided rope running which they practised during earlier sessions in the term, and finally, an endurance run of 1.6km (four rounds around the track) to end it all!
Coach Sarav was pleased to see the tremendous improvements in all the athletes, especially those who joined the programme a year ago.
iC2 hopes that more young athletes will join and benefit from the Athletics for VI Programme. A new term will be starting on 18 Sep 2021. Please get in touch with Teacher Lay Hong layhong.lee@ic2.com.sg for more details or registration. See you there!